Queen’s Executive Decree 321: Operation Wolf Patrol

To the high command of the Kingdom of Arendelle, and my inner court ONLY,

I greet you as queen and friend. In the last special session of our ancient parliament, the Great Assembly approved the joining of our two nations of Arendelle and Northuldra, united in brotherhood and sisterhood, to work together on securing Arendelle’s future among the community of countries.

To this end, I’m pleased to announce, in coordination with General Mattias and the members of my Exalted, Operation Wolf Patrol.

Continue reading “Queen’s Executive Decree 321: Operation Wolf Patrol”

For Her Majesty’s Eyes Only: Project Stellar

Greetings, General Mattias:

I bring warm wishes and good tidings from our elegant colonial port of Hong Kong – my playground where the future of the world – interconnectivity and cross-fertilization – is being acted out on a scale that the entire planet will replicate as we guide it away from Chang’e’s faithlessness and toward my lord’s vision.

The Ravens, your kingdom’s spies, have already identified the locations of the elixir of life across the world. Arendelle’s military reforms – which will place you among the middle-ranking military powers of Europe, a considerable step given Arendelle’s small size – continues smoothly. Most importantly, Project Stellar is almost complete. This will not only help to protect Queen Anna, but also bring Her Majesty’s strength and power to the campaign for the elixir.

The Exalted, Anna’s elite, are in a better position than ever before thanks to Project Stellar. Kristoff, Colisa, and myself reinforce our global reach week by week, month by month. Your queen and my master may have powerful enemies in the form of the Moonborn. But they have a nasty surprise coming their way.

Wishing you good health,

Peony Sinclair

Continue reading “For Her Majesty’s Eyes Only: Project Stellar”

My Birthday: A Reflection

It’s the Summer Solstice, and therefore my birthday, once again.

This time of the year is one that makes Arendelle even more beautiful than usual; the solstice means that the day is stretched out longer, making this one of the biggest party days of the year. My birthday happens to provide the perfect setting for lots of song, dance, beer, and performances across the kingdom. Today I’m getting out of the palace spending my time in the square and hosting a big fete for families. There’ll be cupcakes, punch, and a big birthday cake from which Olaf tends to emerge and send cream flying everywhere.

Then in the evening, I’m going to be at Kingdom Hall to watch my maestro, Luna, perform an amazing lineup of operatic pieces that I’m sure my prime minister, Vi, would appreciate.

She’s still recuperating. I’m still fuming at myself for not being able to help her earlier.

Continue reading “My Birthday: A Reflection”

New Rumbles in Parliament as Queen Unleashes Military Reforms

By Mikael, political affairs correspondent

ARENDELLE: The kingdom’s political and civic circles are embroiled in fierce debate about one of Queen Anna’s most decisive but controversial moves yet: a series of radical military reforms.

Yesterday’s reforms, critics say, cast Arendelle as a rising but increasingly aggressive military power with the potential to not just intimidate, but menace, its north European neighbors.

The reforms indicate a striking emphasis on expansion and what the government calls RRR, or “rapid required responsiveness.” Critics charge this to be a mouthy euphemism for potential aggressive action should the queen see fit.

Continue reading “New Rumbles in Parliament as Queen Unleashes Military Reforms”

Alan and Hilde, Final Part: Rescuing the Prime Minister of Arendelle

Alan, commander of the Borealis Corps, and Hilde Von Altheim were locked in a desperate struggle to free Viola Mundilfari.

Suspended above her own throne hall, the immobile Countess could only watch helplessly as Hilde and Alan faced down the most powerful foe that Arendelle had faced so far. True, Majestic Maximilian hadn’t encountered Elsa or the full force of the kingdom’s army yet, and not even Anna was aware of his existence. Vi had intended to keep it that way by confronting him early on as he infiltrated Mundilfari Keep. But he had crushed Vi effortlessly, trapping her in a cocoon of pure light, the enchantment perpetually torturing her undead flesh without allowing her to die.

She was initially fearful for the pair, as she watched them duel the Moonborn. She wanted to shout, to warn them about his dizzying mastery of sunlight. And he held nothing back as he blinked and winked out of existence and slashed at Hilde and Alan with white-hot arcs of radiance. He surpassed Katina Romanov’s Grand Dukes easily, and perhaps…

Even Elsa… she would struggle against Majestic Max. Perhaps even lose.

But as the battle continued, much to Vi’s impressed shock, Majestic Max was visibly struggling.

Continue reading “Alan and Hilde, Final Part: Rescuing the Prime Minister of Arendelle”

Rossiya Ascendant: Katina Romanov Re-enters the Fray!

Russia. The imperial capital of Saint Petersburg.

Nearly a year after the Russo-Arendellian War

It was a day the soldiers and servants of the Imperial Household would never forget.

The carriage was run-down, rickety, and looked like it was almost falling apart as it came to a stop before the massive gate of the Alexander Palace, the Romanov family’s favorite retreat.

One sharp-eyed guard remembered who had set off inside this humble vehicle, and panicked. “Oh, God. It’s Her Highness. It’s Her Highness! She’s back! Summon the Imperial Guard, right now!”

He hastily opened the gate so that the carriage could labor its way toward the steps of the palace. The Imperial Guard were quickly called to the steps below the great pillars lining the entrance of the palace, and from the carriage stepped out Katina Romanov, her attire nearly unrecognizable – she wore a tattered, mouldy cloak with a hood over a simple top and leggings, typical of peasants from the wastelands far away from Moscow and Saint Petersburg. Her hair, once in an elegant ponytail, draped down her shoulders and back, unkempt and smeared with grime and dirt. Her own face was weathered and slightly hardened, and her hands had visible calluses on them, perhaps from riding horses or working on the farm. “Your Imperial Highness!” cried the members of the Imperial Guard, who looked visibly horrified as they streamed out of the palace.

Continue reading “Rossiya Ascendant: Katina Romanov Re-enters the Fray!”

Alan and Hilde, Part Two: Let Loose the Wolves

How long had it been since she’d been imprisoned in this durance of light? This radiant place that resembled a celestial cloister, something out of the stories of heaven in many cultures and religions? Yet this radiant prison was that: a jail, a tortuous cell of pure light that burned away at her undead flesh twenty-four hours, seven days a week without leaving a single burn, leaving her in perpetual vampire’s agony. She needed to scream, but no one could hear her. She could barely hear herself over the perpetual hum of solar light, its forever-scorching incinerating every extremity of her body and melting away at her core – all while simultaneously keeping her agonizingly alive.

The Mundilfari heiress – the Countess – the prime minister’s crimson eyes were clenched shut. It was all she could do to try and forget the light burning her moment-to-moment.

That was the curse of Majestic Maximillian. That was the hell that he’d prepared for undead like Viola Mundilfari. Not the hell of fire and brimstone, of sulphur and isolation from God. No, this was a celestial hell that Majestic Max had crafted specially for the dark champion of Arendelle.

It was morning. Or was it night? It didn’t matter, not anymore. Her gaol was perpetual. Majestic Max telepathically suspended her naked body in the air of her own throne room in Mundilfari Keep, paralyzed, melting away forever with her consciousness cruelly intact. He smiled sadistically as he enjoyed the crackling of sunbeams wrapping around Vi, having watched her in this state of torture for over several weeks.

Continue reading “Alan and Hilde, Part Two: Let Loose the Wolves”

Interlude: The Queen and Her Plan

Anna wanted some time alone. When Elsa wasn’t around, she would go to a place that represented not only Arendelle’s rise to world prominence and prestige, but also served as a symbol of her political savvy and ability to build bridges. This was Arendelle Hall, which had been built with Viola Mundilfari’s sponsorship and where the Arendelle Philharmonic performed regularly. Arendelle Hall represented, to Anna, everything that she was focused on protecting: a community center around which the whole kingdom could gather and everyone could bask in the national culture, identity, and aesthetic taste they had built together as a kingdom, united by the Diarchy and taken forward by Anna.

It was why she felt at home here when she needed some time out of her throne room. To think. To brood. Even a queen needed privacy, away from her ministers and jarls, all of whom were clamoring for explanations about the sudden disappearance of the prime minister, Vi herself. Legislation stuck. Laws, bills, and proposals languishing amidst political chaos and factional infighting. And there she was, every single day in the parliament of the Great Assembly, looking and feeling like a fool as she tried to hold her government together without Vi’s stern yet charismatic hand… the darkness to Anna’s light. Her shadow. Her companion.

Continue reading “Interlude: The Queen and Her Plan”

Alan and Hilde, Part One: Dream Team for Anna

Spring was in the air, and just as nature was reborn every year, Sir Alan, commander of the Borealis Corps, also felt like he’d enjoyed a makeover.

He had arrived at the outskirts of Arendelle, where the woods began. The air was crisp and cool and fresh, and when he exhaled, having taken a deep and happy breath, freezing mist issued from his lips – a foreshadowing of the power he had attained. A hint of the might he was planning to unleash on Arendelle’s enemies.

He trekked further in, deeper into the forest, where his appointment awaited. He felt rather uncomfortable in his military-style uniform, but it was his duty to look on tip-top form wherever he went; such were the trappings of his high office, the most senior rank just below General Mattias himself. In fact, the kingdom was now protected by what the Arendellian press called the Big Three. First there was Mattias, who commanded the army and navy, and then there was Alan, who’d been knighted by Queen Anna early on in her reign and led the Borealis Corps as Anna and Elsa’s royal guard. There was one more, the most shadowy of the trio.

And it just so happened that she and Alan had an appointment today.

Continue reading “Alan and Hilde, Part One: Dream Team for Anna”

Michael’s Musings: Ahtohallan Calling

As we left you from my last article, we had trekked back to the Northuldran settlement to pack up and head back for Arendelle as quickly as possible. Queen Anna had sent everyone an urgent note, telling us of the happenings of our advanced agents, plus Countess Viola’s urgent trip back to the Jotenheimen Mountains, the land of Keep Mundilfari. Commander Von Altheim and Sir Alan had gone with some of her troops to see if Vi needed help. We also postponed going to Ahtohallan with Elsa, the Fifth Spirit, my Snow Queen niece. Would’ve been nice.


We got back to the settlement, surprised to see two visitors who arrived. To my amazement, it was Time Spirit Princess Danielle and Selene Severin, royal librarian and head of the Ravens, the spies of the Arendellian government and crown.

“Hello, Mummy!” Danny said as she ran into Elsa’s outstretched arms. Elsa picked up and hugged the little ice princess and said, “Sweetie, what are you doing here? I thought you’d be with Olaf and Auntie!”

“Danny’s been hearing a noise that she said sounded like what her Mummy heard, when she was being led to Ahtohallan,” Selene said.

“I asked Auntie Anna if I could go, and she said only if someone went with me,” Danny said.

Bruni was on Elsa’s shoulder, happy to see Danny as he wagged his tail and grinned. “Hi Bruni!” Danny said as the fire salamander leapt into Danny hands.

“I volunteered because I’ve been wanting to come up to Northuldra, to meet the people and learn about them,” Selene explained. I do have my ancient Kveldulf amulet along to keep us safe on the journey.”

The Kveldulf amulet is the same one that Selene used against Vi and Hilde. Once things settled down I talked to Selene, I advised her to keep it handy for emergencies.

“Good girl,” I complimented to Selene. I then started to ask Danny; “You said you heard what mummy heard before they…”


“See, there it is again!” Danny said.


“I hear it now!” Elsa exclaimed.

AH-ah-AH-Ah. AHAH!-AHAh aaaaahhhh.” Elsa and Danny heard it again.

“Uh, Elsa?” I said. “I heard it too.”

Elsa, Danny, Selene, everyone turned around to see the shocked and surprised expression on my face.

“What? But you’re not magic, Uncle. You’re mortal.”

“I know. But still…”

Elsa pondered it, then said: “It must be a very urgent call for Ahtohallan to call you as well, Uncle. Looks like the trip to Ahtohallan is back on.”

“Yup, it is.” I said.

I got out my warmest clothes because of the more intense cold at Ahtohallan. “Can I go too, Mummy?” Danny asked. Elsa and me were worried for Danny’s safety, but Auntie packed warm clothes for Danny. Queen Anna thinks of everything! We got dressed, Elsa made an ice wagon for us three. The Nokk was hitched up and we were off for Ahtohallan and an experience one will never forget!


We made a quick stop at the shipwreck which was on the way to the Dark Sea. We stopped to let Danny explore and tell her about her grandparents, King Agnarr and Queen Iduna, who died while trying to get to Ahtohallan to find the answers to Elsa’s powers, and how Grandma Iduna’s good deed in saving Grandpa Agnarr resulted in the Spirits’ gifting Elsa. It was a very bittersweet time there, but necessary.

We then got back into the wagon and sped off for Ahtohallan. The sea was was calmed by the Nokk as Elsa made an ice path for what was now an ice sleigh.

Across the ice we sped and made it to Athohallan in no time. Elsa and Danny both breathed in the frosty cold, clean, invigorating polar air. I breathed it in. Elsa said  “Careful Uncle!”

It took a bit of my breath away, but I still said “Ole’ mountain man here!” They giggled while I did wheeze a bit!

“I hear ya’ Old Mountain Man!” Elsa jested back. We grinned and chuckled with each other then.

By the time we made the shoreline, Danny and myself were in our warm clothes, gloves or mittens, coats and hats, ready to go inside.

“You two alright?” Elsa asked me and Danny. “Yes, mummy. I’m just so excited!” Danny said.

“I’m good, Elsa.” I answered. “I see the cold still doesn’t bother you!” I said with a cheesy grin!

“Only if I go too deep and drown!” Elsa replied with a grin.

“Mummy won’t do that, will you?” asked the Time Spirit.

“Hahaha. No, sweetie. Not again.” Elsa said.

“It didn’t bother me much when I was younger,” I said. “Then I got older. And colder!”

Danny and Elsa laughed. “Oh Uncle!” Elsa said while shaking her head playfully.

We entered the great Athohallan. The ice cave entrance was spectacular as a magical light lit the way to the next corridor, where Elsa had slid down to where she made the ice pillars she jumped from to enter the main chamber on her first visit. She made an ice stairway when her and Anna visited a couple of years ago.

We decended, hand in hand down the steps from one corridor to the next. We passed through the triangular opening that led us to the room where stood the massive ice columns. Needless to say, Danny and I were like, “Woaaaaaahh!” as we took in the icy beauty of this place.

“They were all on the floor in heaps when I firat came here. I used my powers to upright them.” Elsa said.

“How long did it take you? Hours? Days?” I asked.

“Oh, just a few seconds, really!” Elsa said with her grin!

“Holy cow!” I said, mouth hanging open in shock and surprise! I smiled and said, “That’s my niece, the Snow Queen fer ya! Love how you work!”

“Wow, Mummy!” The little ice princess said in amazement. “Totally Awesome!” Elsa let off a giggle and said “Someday, you’ll do the same!”

“I know you will, littlest snow.” I said. “Time and practice.”

We entered into the darkened, inner chamber. It was lit with a magical white light that was very brilliant. We looked all around it.

“It’s a dome,” I said. “Amazing!”

“You’ve only seen a third of it. There are still places I haven’t found yet.” Elsa said. “It is generations, millennia old, Uncle. Yet it reads all memories for generations. Just call politely to it, Uncle. Give it a try!”

“Okay,” I said. I then addressed Ahtohallan personall. “We have come at your calling. What can you show us, please.”

The dome went from white to its dark icy blue, then all of the memories of us three were projected on the wall to see! Iduna as a little girl, calling out to Gale to rescue an unconscious Agnarr. Using our memories, the image of Iduna appeared on the wall behind us, smiling and happy to see her daughter again.

“Hello Little Snow,” the image said. With tears in her eyes, Elsa replied, “Hello Mother.”

The image looked at me and echoed, “Hello Michael. It’s nice to see you again.”

I choked up and just barely managed to wheeze, “I’ve missed you, Your Majesty.”

“Iduna, Michael. Iduna, remember? We’ve been friends a long time.”

“Yes, we have.” I acknowledged, tearing up.

“Who’s this cute little one you have with you?”

Elsa said, “This is Princess Danielle. She has ice powers as well. We rescued her from her abusive parents, the king and queen of Mirerini. We adopted her.”

“If I still lived, I would be your Grandmother.” Iduna’s image said happily.

“I think I’d love that, Grandma. Mummy, Auntie Anna, Uncle Kristoff and Great Uncle Mike have been so kind to me.” Danny said. “Watch this, Grandma!” Danny waved her hands and a snowman like Olaf appeared before their eyes. She then rolled and threw her hands up in the air and a flurry of snow gently fell around us.

“Ahtohallan has it’s own powers and rules that I’m still learning to comprehend. It is quite amazing!” Elsa said.

“Good evening everyone,” echoed a warm, masculine voice. King Agnarr’s image shimmered into sight. waving greetings. “Hello Elsa, my daughter.”

As Elsa sniffled, the image turned to me. “And hello, Michael.”

“Hello, Agnarr,” I said, so overcome with emotion that I dispensed with formalities. I hung my head. “I first want to say how sorry I am that we broke up on such bad terms…”

“You were forgiven long ago, old friend.” Agnarr’s image replied. “We all weren’t thinking very clearly back then.”

“No, we weren’t.” I said. “No hard feelings?”

“Never, my champion. My only regret is not having been able to go sleighing with you one last time.”

My shoulders shook. “A deep regret of mine, too,” I whispered.

Elsa said, “Daddy, Uncle’s been such a blessing since he returned to Arendelle. His advice and love for us has really helped Anna and myself.”

“It was my pleasure to help them. We all needed some healing. Elsa still had some struggles as did Anna.” I added.

“Look at her now, Michael,” Iduna said.

“I know.” I said. “When I saw her up close after their journey, it was the proudest, happiest day of my life.”

“Well, not perfect.” Elsa said. “Uncle keeps his door open for us if we need to talk about our troubles.”

I blushed as I felt as if the eyes of the actual King and Queen were on me. “We’re all stonger together when we carry our burdens with each other.”

The images then disappeared as the fog swirled around us, filling the room. As quickly as it came, the fog dissapeared and ice images of our memories came into sight. Elsa smiled as we looked on in utter amazement.

“Come and see this.” Elsa beckoned. Danny and I walked over to the memory of how Iduna rescued Agnarr. The ice statues moved to show how Gale gently laid Agnarr in the wagon as Iduna laid next to the unconscious prince as she covered up with her shawl to not be seen. Danny gasped in amazement while I stood there in awe.

“What’s that over there? Danny asked as she turned her head. It was the ice statues replaying my babysitting nights with Elsa and Anna.

“Tell us a story, Uncle.” Little Anna asked.”

Little Elsa said, “Please? One of the Bible stories!”

“Alright, you two!” Uncle said with glee. “As Momma would say, cuddle close, scootch in! Ah, the story of Daniel in the Lion’s den…”

A great scream: “No! Stay back! I don’t want to hurt you, Uncle!” came from across the room. The image of uncle picking up a scared Elsa and holding her to calm her fears emerged.

The Fifth Spirit came up beside me, placed her cool hand on my shoulder and whispered “Thank you, Uncle.”

We hugged.

It closed with the day in Ellicott Mills of me sobbing over the news of the deaths of Agnarr and Iduna. A little girl, scurrying through the night from a party in Arendelle Castle was the ice image of Princess Danny, running from her abusers. It cut to where Queen Anna found her. “Hey there, are you OK? “Anna’s image asked. The ice powers came from Danny’s hands as Elsa came and lifted her up.

“Don’t be scared,” Elsa’s image said to Danny’s.

Countess Viola and Danny playing together happily came up in another memory. Then this one:

Danny smiled a big smile seeing those memories.

Then Runeard’s image arrived. “Ooohhh!” Elsa said.

“Who’s that?” Danny asked.

“Great-Grandpa Runeard,” I said.

 “Oooohhh!!” Danny said. Elsa flicked her hand and CRASH, the image shattered like she did to Hans’.

“We don’t talk about Runeard. No, no, no!” I quipped. I’ve got other words about him, but not for little Danny’s ears!

There were a lot more ice sculpture memories, too many to list here. Then the images vanished. Everything turned dark blue again. This time, Grand Pabbie’s image appeared. “Pabbie!” Elsa said in her stoic, quiet voice.

“It is good to see you again, Fifth Spirit.” Pabbie said. “And how are you, my sweet Ice Princess Danielle?”

“Hello, Pabbie!” Danny said excitedly. “I’m fine, thank you.”

“Master Michael, it’s been a while since we last met, sir. How are you?” Pabbie asked.

“It’s been too long, sir. We’re doing good.” I answered. We’ve enjoyed touring Elsa’s sanctuary and refuge here, wondering at all the ice memory scenes here.”

“I am one of the few outside of Northuldra that knows of Ahtohallan and the river of memories it contains. I can for now, communicate with you through my magic and Ahtohallan’s temporarily. Elsa, I was very pleased that it had all of the answers and your destiny of being The Fifth Spirit along with your sister, Anna.” Pabbie said. Which brings me to why Ahtohallan and I sent the sirens call. It was a chance with Michael not being magic, but the risk and urgency was worth it.”

With that, Grand Pabbie started with his message.

 “Queen Anna has set Arendelle and Northuldra on a perilous path with Yixin recruting her to recover the Elixir of Life from Chang’e and the Moonborn and form a new Exhalted. Yixin is a rebellious child of Chang’e and she had to break up the pieces and have the Moonborn guard them because of him. This journey, while dangerous, marks a crucial time for Arendelle. Already, steps have been taken to shore up Arendelle’s affairs worldwide, but this journey will test the character of Anna. Such power like The Elixir could corrupt her as it would anyone who is tempted with its promise.”

Pabbie continued, “It is up to you, Michael and Danny along with Kristoff, Sir Alan, and Viola to help guide Queen Anna in doing The Next Right Thing where the Elixir and Yixin is concerned.”

“Elsa, as the Fifth Spirit and Snow Queen of The Enchanted Forest, your powers will be needed to fend off the The Moonborn. They will not stop until either defeated or your sister, Anna is stopped. Again, we hope your powers are enough. Anna will be needing your love and sisterly advise at this time. Your togetherness

will be tested.” Pabbie advised

“Michael. Your Faith in God, will give Anna rock solid direction in the decisions Anna must make. The Ten Commandments are what the next right thing needs to steer her along the dangerous straits and fjords of world politics and in this journey. Michael, give her wise council.

“Danny. Even though you are still a young child, you are still valuable to this endeavor. The royal family accepted you as their own when your Father and Mother abused and forsook you. Your love will make the difference for Queen Anna at the right time. Stay strong for her as you stood strong against the nightmares that no longer torment you.”

Grand Pabbie concluded; “The future of Arendelle, Northuldra and the world are at stake. Please, act wisely. For as we speak, at Keep Mundilfari, Viola is now enslaved to the Moonborn, Magnificent Maximillian, as he handily defeated Mephistopheles. Commander Von Altheim is on her way with the Borealis Corps. When they meet, it will be a cataclysmic battle!”

“Thank you, Grand Pabbie.” Elsa said. “We will do our best.”

I shook my head in agreement and said: ” I’ve had major concerns with Anna taking this on and I am worried for her. I just hope she stays the same sweet, loving Anna we know. The Moonborn, Yixin, Chang’e…”

“I know, Uncle. I am too,” Elsa said. “Whatever happens, I promised Anna that we’ll do it together.”

“All of us, Elsa my wonderful Snow Queen niece. All of us!” I added.

“That’s double for me, Mummy!” the little Time Spirit enthusiastically chirped in!

“I know I could count on you all. Good fortune, my friends.” Pabbie said as his image faded out as we waived goodbye.

The chamber was then lit with a brighter ice blue glow. We looked at each other. Elsa picked up Danny. I embraced them both. We stayed like that for what seemed an eternity.

After a good night’s sleep in the warm alcove Elsa made for guests to stay overnight, I woke up first to a clear, cold, crisp arctic morning with a spectacular sunrise! I found a place to sit eith a blanket under me, I took out my rustic pipe, filled with a fine burley, lit up and had a very nice relaxing smoke. Elsa came outside ne t to me and asked, “Contemplating, Uncle?”

“Yes indeed.” I said. All of everything we’ve witnessed and seen here just blows my mind. Ahtohallan is truly an enchanting, beautiful and wonderful place. Think we can return again one day? Maybe when the world is not in trouble?” I said smiling.

“Sure,” Elsa said with a chuckle.” My family is always welcome here.”

“I’m glad you think so Mummy. I love it here!” Danny said as she came out and joined us.

We got back into the sleigh and rode back to the Northuldrans settlement. Lunch, drinks and dessert with Yelena, Ryder and Honeymaren. Selene joined us. “This place is very fascinating,” Selene said. It is very enchanting and the people here are just lovely.”

“I’m very glad you love it here.” Honeymaren said. We were glad to meet you!”

“Come, let’s do dinner. Tell us about your adventures, you three.” Yelena said inviting us to dine with the Northuldrans.

Next morning, Elsa, Selene, Danny and myself packed up the wagon, said goodbyes and departed with Maren joining us to meet with Queen Anna.

Next stop, ARENDELLE!