Michael’s Musings: Ahtohallan Calling

As we left you from my last article, we had trekked back to the Northuldran settlement to pack up and head back for Arendelle as quickly as possible. Queen Anna had sent everyone an urgent note, telling us of the happenings of our advanced agents, plus Countess Viola’s urgent trip back to the Jotenheimen Mountains, the land of Keep Mundilfari. Commander Von Altheim and Sir Alan had gone with some of her troops to see if Vi needed help. We also postponed going to Ahtohallan with Elsa, the Fifth Spirit, my Snow Queen niece. Would’ve been nice.


We got back to the settlement, surprised to see two visitors who arrived. To my amazement, it was Time Spirit Princess Danielle and Selene Severin, royal librarian and head of the Ravens, the spies of the Arendellian government and crown.

“Hello, Mummy!” Danny said as she ran into Elsa’s outstretched arms. Elsa picked up and hugged the little ice princess and said, “Sweetie, what are you doing here? I thought you’d be with Olaf and Auntie!”

“Danny’s been hearing a noise that she said sounded like what her Mummy heard, when she was being led to Ahtohallan,” Selene said.

“I asked Auntie Anna if I could go, and she said only if someone went with me,” Danny said.

Bruni was on Elsa’s shoulder, happy to see Danny as he wagged his tail and grinned. “Hi Bruni!” Danny said as the fire salamander leapt into Danny hands.

“I volunteered because I’ve been wanting to come up to Northuldra, to meet the people and learn about them,” Selene explained. I do have my ancient Kveldulf amulet along to keep us safe on the journey.”

The Kveldulf amulet is the same one that Selene used against Vi and Hilde. Once things settled down I talked to Selene, I advised her to keep it handy for emergencies.

“Good girl,” I complimented to Selene. I then started to ask Danny; “You said you heard what mummy heard before they…”


“See, there it is again!” Danny said.


“I hear it now!” Elsa exclaimed.

AH-ah-AH-Ah. AHAH!-AHAh aaaaahhhh.” Elsa and Danny heard it again.

“Uh, Elsa?” I said. “I heard it too.”

Elsa, Danny, Selene, everyone turned around to see the shocked and surprised expression on my face.

“What? But you’re not magic, Uncle. You’re mortal.”

“I know. But still…”

Elsa pondered it, then said: “It must be a very urgent call for Ahtohallan to call you as well, Uncle. Looks like the trip to Ahtohallan is back on.”

“Yup, it is.” I said.

I got out my warmest clothes because of the more intense cold at Ahtohallan. “Can I go too, Mummy?” Danny asked. Elsa and me were worried for Danny’s safety, but Auntie packed warm clothes for Danny. Queen Anna thinks of everything! We got dressed, Elsa made an ice wagon for us three. The Nokk was hitched up and we were off for Ahtohallan and an experience one will never forget!


We made a quick stop at the shipwreck which was on the way to the Dark Sea. We stopped to let Danny explore and tell her about her grandparents, King Agnarr and Queen Iduna, who died while trying to get to Ahtohallan to find the answers to Elsa’s powers, and how Grandma Iduna’s good deed in saving Grandpa Agnarr resulted in the Spirits’ gifting Elsa. It was a very bittersweet time there, but necessary.

We then got back into the wagon and sped off for Ahtohallan. The sea was was calmed by the Nokk as Elsa made an ice path for what was now an ice sleigh.

Across the ice we sped and made it to Athohallan in no time. Elsa and Danny both breathed in the frosty cold, clean, invigorating polar air. I breathed it in. Elsa said  “Careful Uncle!”

It took a bit of my breath away, but I still said “Ole’ mountain man here!” They giggled while I did wheeze a bit!

“I hear ya’ Old Mountain Man!” Elsa jested back. We grinned and chuckled with each other then.

By the time we made the shoreline, Danny and myself were in our warm clothes, gloves or mittens, coats and hats, ready to go inside.

“You two alright?” Elsa asked me and Danny. “Yes, mummy. I’m just so excited!” Danny said.

“I’m good, Elsa.” I answered. “I see the cold still doesn’t bother you!” I said with a cheesy grin!

“Only if I go too deep and drown!” Elsa replied with a grin.

“Mummy won’t do that, will you?” asked the Time Spirit.

“Hahaha. No, sweetie. Not again.” Elsa said.

“It didn’t bother me much when I was younger,” I said. “Then I got older. And colder!”

Danny and Elsa laughed. “Oh Uncle!” Elsa said while shaking her head playfully.

We entered the great Athohallan. The ice cave entrance was spectacular as a magical light lit the way to the next corridor, where Elsa had slid down to where she made the ice pillars she jumped from to enter the main chamber on her first visit. She made an ice stairway when her and Anna visited a couple of years ago.

We decended, hand in hand down the steps from one corridor to the next. We passed through the triangular opening that led us to the room where stood the massive ice columns. Needless to say, Danny and I were like, “Woaaaaaahh!” as we took in the icy beauty of this place.

“They were all on the floor in heaps when I firat came here. I used my powers to upright them.” Elsa said.

“How long did it take you? Hours? Days?” I asked.

“Oh, just a few seconds, really!” Elsa said with her grin!

“Holy cow!” I said, mouth hanging open in shock and surprise! I smiled and said, “That’s my niece, the Snow Queen fer ya! Love how you work!”

“Wow, Mummy!” The little ice princess said in amazement. “Totally Awesome!” Elsa let off a giggle and said “Someday, you’ll do the same!”

“I know you will, littlest snow.” I said. “Time and practice.”

We entered into the darkened, inner chamber. It was lit with a magical white light that was very brilliant. We looked all around it.

“It’s a dome,” I said. “Amazing!”

“You’ve only seen a third of it. There are still places I haven’t found yet.” Elsa said. “It is generations, millennia old, Uncle. Yet it reads all memories for generations. Just call politely to it, Uncle. Give it a try!”

“Okay,” I said. I then addressed Ahtohallan personall. “We have come at your calling. What can you show us, please.”

The dome went from white to its dark icy blue, then all of the memories of us three were projected on the wall to see! Iduna as a little girl, calling out to Gale to rescue an unconscious Agnarr. Using our memories, the image of Iduna appeared on the wall behind us, smiling and happy to see her daughter again.

“Hello Little Snow,” the image said. With tears in her eyes, Elsa replied, “Hello Mother.”

The image looked at me and echoed, “Hello Michael. It’s nice to see you again.”

I choked up and just barely managed to wheeze, “I’ve missed you, Your Majesty.”

“Iduna, Michael. Iduna, remember? We’ve been friends a long time.”

“Yes, we have.” I acknowledged, tearing up.

“Who’s this cute little one you have with you?”

Elsa said, “This is Princess Danielle. She has ice powers as well. We rescued her from her abusive parents, the king and queen of Mirerini. We adopted her.”

“If I still lived, I would be your Grandmother.” Iduna’s image said happily.

“I think I’d love that, Grandma. Mummy, Auntie Anna, Uncle Kristoff and Great Uncle Mike have been so kind to me.” Danny said. “Watch this, Grandma!” Danny waved her hands and a snowman like Olaf appeared before their eyes. She then rolled and threw her hands up in the air and a flurry of snow gently fell around us.

“Ahtohallan has it’s own powers and rules that I’m still learning to comprehend. It is quite amazing!” Elsa said.

“Good evening everyone,” echoed a warm, masculine voice. King Agnarr’s image shimmered into sight. waving greetings. “Hello Elsa, my daughter.”

As Elsa sniffled, the image turned to me. “And hello, Michael.”

“Hello, Agnarr,” I said, so overcome with emotion that I dispensed with formalities. I hung my head. “I first want to say how sorry I am that we broke up on such bad terms…”

“You were forgiven long ago, old friend.” Agnarr’s image replied. “We all weren’t thinking very clearly back then.”

“No, we weren’t.” I said. “No hard feelings?”

“Never, my champion. My only regret is not having been able to go sleighing with you one last time.”

My shoulders shook. “A deep regret of mine, too,” I whispered.

Elsa said, “Daddy, Uncle’s been such a blessing since he returned to Arendelle. His advice and love for us has really helped Anna and myself.”

“It was my pleasure to help them. We all needed some healing. Elsa still had some struggles as did Anna.” I added.

“Look at her now, Michael,” Iduna said.

“I know.” I said. “When I saw her up close after their journey, it was the proudest, happiest day of my life.”

“Well, not perfect.” Elsa said. “Uncle keeps his door open for us if we need to talk about our troubles.”

I blushed as I felt as if the eyes of the actual King and Queen were on me. “We’re all stonger together when we carry our burdens with each other.”

The images then disappeared as the fog swirled around us, filling the room. As quickly as it came, the fog dissapeared and ice images of our memories came into sight. Elsa smiled as we looked on in utter amazement.

“Come and see this.” Elsa beckoned. Danny and I walked over to the memory of how Iduna rescued Agnarr. The ice statues moved to show how Gale gently laid Agnarr in the wagon as Iduna laid next to the unconscious prince as she covered up with her shawl to not be seen. Danny gasped in amazement while I stood there in awe.

“What’s that over there? Danny asked as she turned her head. It was the ice statues replaying my babysitting nights with Elsa and Anna.

“Tell us a story, Uncle.” Little Anna asked.”

Little Elsa said, “Please? One of the Bible stories!”

“Alright, you two!” Uncle said with glee. “As Momma would say, cuddle close, scootch in! Ah, the story of Daniel in the Lion’s den…”

A great scream: “No! Stay back! I don’t want to hurt you, Uncle!” came from across the room. The image of uncle picking up a scared Elsa and holding her to calm her fears emerged.

The Fifth Spirit came up beside me, placed her cool hand on my shoulder and whispered “Thank you, Uncle.”

We hugged.

It closed with the day in Ellicott Mills of me sobbing over the news of the deaths of Agnarr and Iduna. A little girl, scurrying through the night from a party in Arendelle Castle was the ice image of Princess Danny, running from her abusers. It cut to where Queen Anna found her. “Hey there, are you OK? “Anna’s image asked. The ice powers came from Danny’s hands as Elsa came and lifted her up.

“Don’t be scared,” Elsa’s image said to Danny’s.

Countess Viola and Danny playing together happily came up in another memory. Then this one:

Danny smiled a big smile seeing those memories.

Then Runeard’s image arrived. “Ooohhh!” Elsa said.

“Who’s that?” Danny asked.

“Great-Grandpa Runeard,” I said.

 “Oooohhh!!” Danny said. Elsa flicked her hand and CRASH, the image shattered like she did to Hans’.

“We don’t talk about Runeard. No, no, no!” I quipped. I’ve got other words about him, but not for little Danny’s ears!

There were a lot more ice sculpture memories, too many to list here. Then the images vanished. Everything turned dark blue again. This time, Grand Pabbie’s image appeared. “Pabbie!” Elsa said in her stoic, quiet voice.

“It is good to see you again, Fifth Spirit.” Pabbie said. “And how are you, my sweet Ice Princess Danielle?”

“Hello, Pabbie!” Danny said excitedly. “I’m fine, thank you.”

“Master Michael, it’s been a while since we last met, sir. How are you?” Pabbie asked.

“It’s been too long, sir. We’re doing good.” I answered. We’ve enjoyed touring Elsa’s sanctuary and refuge here, wondering at all the ice memory scenes here.”

“I am one of the few outside of Northuldra that knows of Ahtohallan and the river of memories it contains. I can for now, communicate with you through my magic and Ahtohallan’s temporarily. Elsa, I was very pleased that it had all of the answers and your destiny of being The Fifth Spirit along with your sister, Anna.” Pabbie said. Which brings me to why Ahtohallan and I sent the sirens call. It was a chance with Michael not being magic, but the risk and urgency was worth it.”

With that, Grand Pabbie started with his message.

 “Queen Anna has set Arendelle and Northuldra on a perilous path with Yixin recruting her to recover the Elixir of Life from Chang’e and the Moonborn and form a new Exhalted. Yixin is a rebellious child of Chang’e and she had to break up the pieces and have the Moonborn guard them because of him. This journey, while dangerous, marks a crucial time for Arendelle. Already, steps have been taken to shore up Arendelle’s affairs worldwide, but this journey will test the character of Anna. Such power like The Elixir could corrupt her as it would anyone who is tempted with its promise.”

Pabbie continued, “It is up to you, Michael and Danny along with Kristoff, Sir Alan, and Viola to help guide Queen Anna in doing The Next Right Thing where the Elixir and Yixin is concerned.”

“Elsa, as the Fifth Spirit and Snow Queen of The Enchanted Forest, your powers will be needed to fend off the The Moonborn. They will not stop until either defeated or your sister, Anna is stopped. Again, we hope your powers are enough. Anna will be needing your love and sisterly advise at this time. Your togetherness

will be tested.” Pabbie advised

“Michael. Your Faith in God, will give Anna rock solid direction in the decisions Anna must make. The Ten Commandments are what the next right thing needs to steer her along the dangerous straits and fjords of world politics and in this journey. Michael, give her wise council.

“Danny. Even though you are still a young child, you are still valuable to this endeavor. The royal family accepted you as their own when your Father and Mother abused and forsook you. Your love will make the difference for Queen Anna at the right time. Stay strong for her as you stood strong against the nightmares that no longer torment you.”

Grand Pabbie concluded; “The future of Arendelle, Northuldra and the world are at stake. Please, act wisely. For as we speak, at Keep Mundilfari, Viola is now enslaved to the Moonborn, Magnificent Maximillian, as he handily defeated Mephistopheles. Commander Von Altheim is on her way with the Borealis Corps. When they meet, it will be a cataclysmic battle!”

“Thank you, Grand Pabbie.” Elsa said. “We will do our best.”

I shook my head in agreement and said: ” I’ve had major concerns with Anna taking this on and I am worried for her. I just hope she stays the same sweet, loving Anna we know. The Moonborn, Yixin, Chang’e…”

“I know, Uncle. I am too,” Elsa said. “Whatever happens, I promised Anna that we’ll do it together.”

“All of us, Elsa my wonderful Snow Queen niece. All of us!” I added.

“That’s double for me, Mummy!” the little Time Spirit enthusiastically chirped in!

“I know I could count on you all. Good fortune, my friends.” Pabbie said as his image faded out as we waived goodbye.

The chamber was then lit with a brighter ice blue glow. We looked at each other. Elsa picked up Danny. I embraced them both. We stayed like that for what seemed an eternity.

After a good night’s sleep in the warm alcove Elsa made for guests to stay overnight, I woke up first to a clear, cold, crisp arctic morning with a spectacular sunrise! I found a place to sit eith a blanket under me, I took out my rustic pipe, filled with a fine burley, lit up and had a very nice relaxing smoke. Elsa came outside ne t to me and asked, “Contemplating, Uncle?”

“Yes indeed.” I said. All of everything we’ve witnessed and seen here just blows my mind. Ahtohallan is truly an enchanting, beautiful and wonderful place. Think we can return again one day? Maybe when the world is not in trouble?” I said smiling.

“Sure,” Elsa said with a chuckle.” My family is always welcome here.”

“I’m glad you think so Mummy. I love it here!” Danny said as she came out and joined us.

We got back into the sleigh and rode back to the Northuldrans settlement. Lunch, drinks and dessert with Yelena, Ryder and Honeymaren. Selene joined us. “This place is very fascinating,” Selene said. It is very enchanting and the people here are just lovely.”

“I’m very glad you love it here.” Honeymaren said. We were glad to meet you!”

“Come, let’s do dinner. Tell us about your adventures, you three.” Yelena said inviting us to dine with the Northuldrans.

Next morning, Elsa, Selene, Danny and myself packed up the wagon, said goodbyes and departed with Maren joining us to meet with Queen Anna.

Next stop, ARENDELLE!

Michael’s Musings: Rumors, gossip and other lies…

“Found family” by Arute (@ast05water)

By Michael, trade minister of Arendelle

Life here in Arendelle is never perfect. However, it’s been great with the reigns of both queens Elsa and Anna. It goes without saying about how far we’ve come in this saga. The love we have for each other, the support of the folk in both lands of Arendelle and Northuldra, especially for the struggles the two young women have gone through since the hard, lonely years of their childhood.

They’ve made a ton of progress and encountered many milestones as life goes on. Yet the love they have for each other, plus for those who have come along the way – like Kristoff, Olaf, Sven, Sir Alan, a certain Uncle, and more.

Unfortunately, life has those who will never be happy and will always complain and want to sabotage another’s happiness. Gossip and rumors do exactly that.

So it was no surprise, but indeed aggravating, to hear some malcontents in the kingdom saying untruths about my nieces and Kristoff. Too much of this will give places like Our Fair Kingdom a quarantining case of “rumoritis!”

So: let’s clear the air and let some truth shine in, shall we?

Continue reading “Michael’s Musings: Rumors, gossip and other lies…”

Michael’s Musings: The First Christmas After Anna and Elsa’s Reunion

Featured image art “Generations” by Arute (@ast05water)

By Michael, Trade Minister of Arendelle

Things are really busy here in Arendelle! Not only is Queen Anna’s plan finally being put into action to find that mysterious “Elixir of Life” for Prince Yixin, it’s also the Christmas season as well! The Yule bell was brought out once more at Castle Arendelle, and rung to bring in the season of good tidings to all! Everyone, including Elsa, the Fifth Spirit of Northuldra and Ahtohallan, along with Kristoff, Sven and Olaf, Princess Danny, Countess Viola, Hilde, and Tess, along with Selene and General Mattias, came out for the celebration as Queen Anna and Snow Queen Elsa pealed the Yule bell for all to hear.

Continue reading “Michael’s Musings: The First Christmas After Anna and Elsa’s Reunion”

Happy Birthday, Queen Anna!

Featured image art “Queen of the realm” by hannah.digiart (@HDigiart)

A special Musing for a special niece and some fatherly thoughts

By Michael, trade minister of Arendelle (@of_michel)

Summer Solstice in Arendelle means that it’s Queen Anna’s Birthday! Unfortunately, this year, Queen Anna, her sister and my niece, Snow Queen Elsa and Kristoff Bjorgman, are away in China on important business, namely to see prince regent Yixin and confirm the Exalted’s new members.

What a year it’s been with Anna as queen. From the lowest low of losing “Most Favoured Nation Status” to that lowdown skunk Will Harrison*, to winning the war with Russia**… and now, a new Exalted with Queen Colisa, Kristoff, and Peony Sinclair. 

Not too bad if I say so myself for my royal niece.

It’s also a time that in America, where I used to do business, that they celebrate the fathers of the family. On this day, Elsa and Anna go quietly to the shipwreck site in Northuldra to remember their parents, Queen Iduna and King Agnarr, in private. As they couldn’t do so this year, I went in their place to honour both their parents, as I was a close friend to them before their deaths. Honeymaren, Ryder, Yelena, and the other four nature spirits accompanied me as we laid the flowers and bowed our heads in loving remembrance. There are places in Arendelle that pay tribute Agnarr and Iduna for the public. This one is where the sisters can privately honour their parents.

Continue reading “Happy Birthday, Queen Anna!”

Michael’s Musings: A Day Out with the Queen

By Michael, trade minister of Arendelle (@of_michel)

If there’s one thing to say about my niece, Queen Anna, you know that she is a real firecracker full of energy and positivity! Only our friend Tileke’s energy seems close to “out-Anna-ing” Anna! I watched as those two fireballs shopped in the square. It made me tired just watching them! But even the brightest firecracker can burn out. I got concerned about Anna one evening when I had Kristoff over for dinner at the famous Lonely Reindeer restaurant. As we talked over important business, the subject of Anna came up.

“You need to see this, Uncle.” Kristoff said as he handed me Queen Anna’s schedule. Kristoff looked positively nervous as I read the sheet with horror. Kristoff said that as of this moment, well after ten in the evening, she was still holed up in her study. “Yeah,” he said, shrugging his shoulders as I shook my head in incredulity. As the queen’s fiancé, he would have been the first to admonish Anna for such a ridiculous timetable, but here it is before you.


5:30am – 6:30am: Get up; morning routine

7:00am: Breakfast with Kristoff; daily papers

7:30am – 9:00am: Talk to Honeymaren about latest developments in Northuldra

10:00am – 12:00pm: Policy discussion with Vi and Elsa

12:00pm – 2:00pm: Lunch with Mattias; visit military garrison

2:00pm – 3:00pm: Dockside visit, ribbon-cutting for several new shops

3:30pm – 5:00pm: Break and afternoon tea with Elsa at home

5:00pm – 6:00pm: Kingdom Hall opera and social with Vi and Luna

6:15 – 8:30: Dinner at Arendelle Castle with inner court

9:00pm – 10:30pm: Games night with Olaf and Sven

10:00pm – 11:00pm: Bedtime for Kristoff, bring him hot chocolate

11:30pm – 12:00am: Supper and inner court discussion with Elsa

12:30am – 2:30am: Work alone in study

3:00am – 4:00am: Early morning bath and get ready for bed

4:30am: Bedtime

Continue reading “Michael’s Musings: A Day Out with the Queen”

Arendelle and the Qing: Threads of Agnarr and Iduna’s Past

Featured image art by chō/chou (@smolmushroomm)

1838. One year before the deaths of King Agnarr and Queen Iduna

It was the first time the royal couple had ever sailed to the East, to see the ruler that had assisted Arendelle’s rise to first-class prosperity and wealth. Already, the early modern world was becoming more interconnected. The crown prince of the Qing had sensed Arendelle’s special destiny while Elsa was still growing inside the belly of the queen, Iduna. The night Elsa was born, Yixin, who puppeteered the Chinese emperor, declared that Arendelle was to be China’s “Most Favoured Nation.”

With that title came four generous trading privileges that allowed Arendelle’s traders to trade freely with the Great Qing, no questions asked. Arendelle got a better deal than the Dutch, the Portuguese, or the Russians could ever dream of. Elsa and Anna’s early years saw their home’s greatest economic expansion since 1731, the year the Arendellian East India Company first travelled to Canton to buy silk and porcelain.

It had taken Agnarr and Iduna several months of travel aboard their ship, first reaching round the North Sea and past the English Channel, then around Western Europe and along the coast of the great African continent, before swinging back up and weaving through the subtropical archipelagos and making for Canton in Southern China. They finally reached the port, whereupon they disembarked and were received by the hoppo, a stout, well-fed mandarin who prepared them for the trip inland, towards the Forbidden City in Peking.

When they arrived at the emperor’s residence, which was larger than the entire kingdom of Arendelle, they were received by the Celestial Empire’s elite imperial guard: the bannermen, who carried lances with the flag of the imperial dragon, muskets, and longbows and quivers bristling with arrows.

Continue reading “Arendelle and the Qing: Threads of Agnarr and Iduna’s Past”

The Arendelle Assignment: Elsa and Anna’s Legacy

Featured image from https://i.redd.it/lulxpidgb8b51.jpg


“How dare that foreign girl run around the Forbidden City like she owns the place!”

“She shouldn’t even be allowed to look upon the prince regent’s face. Yet she sees him almost every month!”

“Does she have some kind of black spell over him? Do they have bewitching magic in England?”

From the consorts and concubines to the eunuchs and princes, murmurs swirled in the imperial clan about the young Englishwoman with a Chinese name. From a wide-eyed five-year-old to a beautiful young lady, over the years Peony Sinclair had grown into a diplomat equally comfortable in the court of the Qing and among the governments of Europe.

Some of the rumours against Peony were malicious; others were genuinely concerned about her safety. Court politics in China was complex and fatal. There were midnight conspiracies and backstabbing between scholar-officials, eunuchs, the harem, and the military. To courtly rivals, it was bad enough that Peony had her own room in the Palace of Heavenly Purity, the quarters of the imperial family. When she was just five, Yixin hired Genoese designers to renovate her small room into a European-style bedchamber to make her feel more at home. For her bedside, he imported an Italian clock that the late Qianlong Emperor loved. This was unprecedented, beyond any court member’s wildest fantasies.

The jealousy aimed at Peony, a no-name, bastard foreigner who wasn’t even of royal blood in her home country, was intense and unreal.

But this place was her home. She knew nowhere else.

Continue reading “The Arendelle Assignment: Elsa and Anna’s Legacy”

Michael’s Musings: A Special Thought

As I was writing a quick note to my Snow Queen niece, Elsa, the memory of what happened after Anna, Kristoff, Olaf, Sven, and Elsa came back from Northuldra and Ahtohallan popped into my mind. It was the first time I laid my eyes on Elsa up close after her amazing transformation during their trip to find the truth about why the spirits had caused the chaos in Arendelle, as well as the source and reason for Elsa’s powers. 

After Elsa and the Nokk stopped the flood wave caused by Anna and the Earth Spirit’s destruction of King Runeard’s dam in Northuldra, we all had cheered Elsa and her new friend. Once they left, we all returned to our homes, while Kai, Gerda, Olina, and the guards and staff returned to Arendelle Castle. As I mentioned before, Elsa came with them. So here’s what I truly remember.

Continue reading “Michael’s Musings: A Special Thought”

Letting It Go

Featured image art by Arute (@ast05water)

By Michael, Trade Minister of Arendelle

My last article covered my first visit to Northuldra. It was a pleasant visit as I not only met Lady Maren and met the Northuldrans’ leader, Yelena, I also got to meet my Snow Queen niece, Elsa, as she is doing wonderfully now living amongst the Northuldrans and closer to Ahtohallan. A great dinner of freshly caught salmon, cooked over an open fire, along with some time with Elsa, under the starry Northuldran skies with tea, conversation and quietly looking at the stars and listening to the enchanted forest at night – it was a wonderful time!

For the most part. 

Elsa, Yelena, Honeymaren and myself had just concluded talks that morning over the routes and agreements so that Northuldra could receive and ship out cargo to their destinations. Maren and Elsa asked the earth giants to realign the road leading from Arendelle to allow freight wagons to pass through and into Northuldra. 

Continue reading “Letting It Go”

The Authorised Royal Biography: A Traumatic Childhood

Conceal it, don’t feel it. Don’t let it show. For the rest of her childhood, those were the only words Elsa knew. On the night of the accident, Elsa and her parents learned that her powers were directly tied to her emotions. Agnarr was certain that if Elsa could learn to master her emotions she could master her powers. There is a logic behind this line of thinking, yet magic and emotion are never bound to logic. Agnarr suggested gloves to dampen Elsa’s powers. They helped Elsa early on and they became a source of comfort and security for her. Elsa rarely saw anyone besides her parents or her infrequent tutors. She was practically a ghost to everyone, including Anna. Despite her best efforts, Elsa never felt comfortable with herself or her powers.

Continue reading “The Authorised Royal Biography: A Traumatic Childhood”